My world became small since i surrounding by great people. This thing always make me out of confident doing thing because everytime i finished doing some work there always will be a judge-mental psychopath comes from no where and gives criticized about my work like "Ade ke bende camni wujud??", "x logik arr..", "asl ko bwt mcm neyh, ko ske susah kn dri en??", "owh cmtu..(so lame this idea)". Okay, i know that i'm not good as they who comes from boarding school, MRSM, Cluster technical school and a person who really are wannabe an engineer. I'm not a person came with good result, it was just i'm luckily got entered this university. My dream isn't to become an engineer. When i was a kid i always said to my parent that my dream are become an engineer. I said so because i was told that engineer salary was expensive, that why i wanna to be an engineer. Every person will always come to it peak where he or she can't do thing, when they pursue something even they not interested. I am one of them, right now i become hesitated on my life. What i should become. I just felt that my life become so hard now. Sometimes i put an effort on the top notch but the result always disappoint me. It feel sad when people are expecting something good that i'm gonna get. Right now, environmental really influencing me.
I really enjoyed when shooting picture, listen to the song, cooking, watching movie and stuff liked that. Honestly, i really felt depressed with my life.Before i came to this place where i'm still not continue my study, lot of friend of mine received lot of letters from education institution. Except me, only a letter was on the table that time offering me to continue my studies. It left me no choice, i had to. Beginning of my studies it all alright and okay to me. Until in the middle of semester 2, where a girl came into my life and upside down all i had in me. Despite her, at least i'm learn something. There will be a time where i'm gonna say what an engineer need in their life. When i'm home, i really envy with my friend which they continue their studies in the field they really interested. Right now, i'm really stuck with my life..
i'm also not from exclusive schools and didn't achieve good results.. org tak tanye pon. alaa, bnda yg lpas dh tak pnting. yg pnting mase depan. :)
ReplyDeleteGood luck bro! :) Lame tak jumpe ko. Haha