Wednesday, August 25, 2010

New Leaf..

Its true people said, most human will emotional first before become rational when they meet the hard time situation. I believe every people will meet their hard time. What kind of situation, only God know. How bad the situation is depend on how you think it is. When you think its just a small thing, then you can through it smoothly easy as breathing. For me, what happen around us is just a part of life's game. How hard it difficulties is actually depend on you how you manage it. We are the authors of our life. We are the game master of our life games. We determine what kind of life we gonna be. Don't blame the fate. Fate actually makes us grow up and matured. Complaining won't bring you anywhere. A great life is a life that full with challenge. Keep pursuing our dream and don't stop. Reach everything that we want. Understand truly what life meaning for, and what is was meant to be. Ignore the unnecessary. Focus on our main goal. The unnecessary maybe useful for the other time.

  When the hard time come.
Surpass it..
because its mean, you are becoming a great person.

Au Revoir ~

Monday, August 23, 2010


nape leh timbul title panas mcm ni ? haaa...kisah bermula bile encik M tnye aku da stdy atau blom utk test mggu test mggu dpn.mampos aku tak stdy pe lg demi nk menyenangkan hati membe dan nk bg die rase yg die tak keseorgn dlm memegang title "aku tak study lg" , aku pon ngaku yg aku tak study satu haram ape pon lg.hehe.syg membe punye pasal..

perbualan kami berlanjutan sampai msok bab plagiat hak milik org.kisah mule bile die sent msj yg di dalamnye tertaip ayat yg aku penah gune dlm satu entry aku.aku ckp kat die "aku mcm knl ayt tu wahai incik.jgn plagiat karya org weh".pastu dgn selamba badak die balas, "tp en kalo kte kne wat assgmnt,kne wat research.tak ke plagiat tu.cume tukar slhkan unimap nape aku plagiat karya2 org"..

PERGH....ayt ko wahai encik...

tp btol gak an..aku penah la kne wat presentation english mase sem 1 dulu.presentation pasal gamat.ok dah sah sah aku kne wat research pasal gamat dlm internet,right ? sbb nk taw fizikal gamat tu cmne,ape habit die,hobi die,waktu bile yg plg sesuai nk tgkp die,sume segala mak nenek tu lecturer aku bg warning awal awal,jgn plagiat dr mane mane sumber.plagiat means jgn tiru,copy paste,copy-tukar-ayat and paste sume tu la.

........aku senyap.......

aku try la nk wat pasal gamat tnpa tgk internet mahupun buku buku atau kitab ulung gamat kepulauan jawa tengah edaran ke lapan.mmg aku tak tgk lgsg ! aku cri idea....haram btol la aku ckp en...mane leh cmni...tak tgk internet,tak siap la presentation aku.mampos arr dpt kosong speaking test aku bukak gak internet,search pasal gamat.ting !!! berjuta informasi kua pasal gamat.aku dgn sng hatinye,just copy and paste ! so perbuatan aku tu dianggap plagiat ataw tak ? msti la YE !!!

ape korg nk ckp ? mcm tak penah buat...plagiat sane sini...aku pon student universiti mcm korg.even bidang lain lain,ye la mungkin ko bidang perubatan,ko plak bidang law,yg ko plak bidang ahli kaji maritim,yg sebelah ko tu,bidang bussiness.ogay aku tak kisah la ko bidang ape pon,msti ko penah wat research kat internet pastu cursor korg highlight sume ayt yg korg nk,right click then hit the copy button.ngaku cepat !! kalo ko mulia skali pon,msti at least penah wat di mana santunnya pembikinan segala assgment yang akan dipersembahkan kepada lecturer lecturer kesayangan korg ?

tibe tibe otak aku yg slalu membuat anjakan paradigma 7200 darjah termaksima ni mengeluarkan satu idea yg sgt bernas pada penerimaan akal org yang tak masuk akal.paham ayt aku ni ? dah diam kau..dgr aku ckp ni...ape kate kite wat satu tesis atau kertas kerja yang meminta dimansuhkan sume assgment,sume test dan jugak final,dan atas permintaan encik M,die mntak mansuh pangkat Dr dan jugak Ir.ok leh dimasukkan skali dlm muka surat 728,mansuh sume subjek u,in other simple and outrageous word = MANSUHKAN SEMUA UNIVERSITI YANG ADA DALAM MALAYSIA NI !! ogay tak ? agak agak kerakyatan aku dilucutkan tak ? *bunyi cengkerik*

lalu aku dibidas oleh encik M dgn sekeping mesej yg agak sengal pada pandangan mata kasar seorg wanita yg bengong ini.beliau berkata "kalo sume nk mansuh pyh gak.nnti sume baju aku takde corak *since budak art dah tak dpt masok u,u sume kne mansuh* .ye la dah alang alang ko nk mintak mansuh sume so tak kesah la kalo kerakyatan ko sorang kne mansuh"...

PRANGGGG !!!! *menusuk kalbu,menyentap ulu hati dan juga urat saraf jantung aku*

btol gak kan....sume bnde nk mintak mansuh,mane la taw dapat kan tp najib tnye aku nnt "I nk mansuhkan U punye kerakyatan bole?" mampos !!! maw kne buang pegi Pulau Seychelles aku ni...mmg tempah name la aku dalam buku sejarah tingkatan 2 di mana pulau tersebut mmg tempat yg menjadi tmpat buangan pembesar negeri perak yg ingkar ckp residen british.dah diam rina.ade hati nk tempah name dalam buku.igt ko ibnu sina ? ibnu batuta ? nk setel soalan moment atas jmbatan pon bagai nk gile...okeh bukan moment la...payah sgt...nk setel 1 soalan equation homogeneous pon sampai 1 jam,jadahnye....hahaha ! hadoi la....bukan ape...equation tu bodo arrr.sakit kepala aku nk setel bnde tu.nsib kertas tu tak kene koyak.kalo tak,kosong dah markah kuiz aku.buhaha !

so dptlah kite simpul dan ikat ketat ketat di sini bahawa isu plagiat ni jgn ditimbulkan mase wat assgment.lain la kalo korg tu hebat sgt tak pyh pkai for sure,dlm setiap assgment,page blkg skali,ade reference/rujukan,right ? so dah trg trg arr unsur plagiat tu dah lecturer ! jgn letak peraturan ''tak leh plagiat'' tu...kalo nk letak gak, jgn bg assgment...hahahah !!!

p.s : tukar la name program HIMPUN tu jd MANSUH.aku penghuluwati program tu.jgn risau...maka dgn bertukarnye perkataan himpun kepada mansuh,bertukar la cheers kumpulan encik M...
.......''ape yang besar ?? MANSUH !!!!.......

*aku credit to cik rina ye..*

Friday, August 20, 2010

wr0nG perSon

There a song that kinda nice to be heard for the people who had the same memories what i had. It's called "sang mantan" by Nidji. From the song you will know what i mean. Well, don't sad, don't cry. Be strong and gain back all the courage that have left behind. Don't ever regret for what happened, it just one of our game life. Yeah, if we talk about the pain, i guess that is 2nd most pain than die. Word is cheap and its actually true. When we started to think from the logic side there is a reason why it happen. Some of us, they always dream something that actually doesn't look like it seems. Like love story in the comic. The storyline was too easy to predict. In our real life, there no such thing love like comic books. By end up met with this wrong people, they has woke us from our ridiculous dream. They make us realize something. Sometime i want to thanks to this people but i think x payah la kot..haha. It is just a lesson we need to learned. There is a why we end up met with wrong people. Do you realize something that u never discover before u had this kind of moment. There is something we gain that never exist before we end up like this. So, don't give up with life. There will such more thing that we will meet. Maybe more Sweet memories than what we had end up now. So now, let focus for our future. That more important i guess.

P/s : this is just what i think and i'm not in emo condition i guess. hee =D

Friday, August 13, 2010


warghh..diz sem kami student mekatronik mcm ditdbir oleh zionis2..
lgie2 bab lab..pergh..npe dorunk cm pkir dorunk jer..hmm..tpi ble dpt explaination krg la sket rebel..cme still certain kje yg telah disiap en..di tolak mentah2..tnpa sbrg rse ksian..haih..smu tensen psal ney..

*whai lectrer taw x yg kmi smue 1st tme pki microsoft excel..*